School Health
The Baboquivari Unified School District’s School Health team would like to welcome parents and guardians to our page.
We hope this page will be a source of information for you. We will post forms needed by the school health program. The forms give you, the parent/guardian, the chance to share your child’s health history with us. This allows us to safely provide care for your student. The information you provide us is protected under FERPA and HIPAA and is securely stored in the health office at your student’s school.
A district nurse oversees three health offices located on each campus. Each health office is staffed with a health aide.The health office aides manage students with illnesses and accidents that happen during the school day. Under the direction of the district nurse, they help provide care to students with chronic medical conditions. The district nurse may also attend Individual Education Plan (IEP), Section 504, and other health related meetings to develop health care plans for students with health needs, and communicate with parents/guardians and medical providers.
The school health team is committed to meeting the needs of individual students. We want your students to have a safe and healthy school year. We encourage you to contact your student’s health office to answer your questions or discuss your concerns.
If Your Child Has A Fever
While attendance is important, if your student is too sick to learn or has a fever of 101.0 degrees or higher, please keep them home. Your student may return to school when they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol or Motrin. If your student has been vomiting and/or has diarrhea, please keep them home until they are no longer vomiting or have diarrhea.
If your student becomes ill at school, we will notify you. Please arrange to pick up your student as soon as possible. We cannot properly isolate a sick student.
Arizona state law (A.R.S. 15-872) requires that all students have proof of immunization, proof of immunity, or a valid exemption to attend school. Verification records must include the student’s name, date of birth, type of immunization, date of immunization and the name of the provider/facility administering the immunization.The record must be provided before school starts or at the time of enrollment. Immunizations must be up to date in order to begin school.
Hearing and Vision Screenings
Hearing screenings are provided to preschool, kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 7th, and 9th grade students every year under the guidelines of the Arizona Department of Health and Hearing Conservation Program. All special education (SPED) students are screened annually. The screening provided is not a hearing test. If a student does not pass a second screening, the parent/guardian will be notified.
Vision screenings are conducted each year with groups of students per Arizona guidelines. Usually, these groups include preschool, kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th graders. Parents will be notified if the screening indicates the need for additional examination by an eye specialist-optician or ophthalmologist.
If you prefer that your student not be screened for hearing and or vision, please complete the hearing and vision opt out form and return it to the health office at your student’s school.
Student Health Information Form: Needed By All Students
We ask that every student has a current student health information sheet on file. It allows you to give us basic health information about your child and emergency contact information. The form is also part of the district’s emergency plan. If a school loses power or needs to be evacuated in the event of an emergency, the health aide at your child’s school is able to take these files with them so that we will have critical information about your child.
Chronic Medical Conditions
If your child has a chronic health concern, asthma, for example, you will be able to access action care plans, permission to give medication, and release of information forms. Action care plans are completed by your child’s healthcare provider and tell us how to care for your child in an emergency. For example, if your child has an asthma attack at school, your child’s healthcare provider can tell us how much Albuterol to give them. We cannot give your child rescue medications without orders from their provider and your permission. The permission to give medication form gives us your permission to medicate your child.
Students with Chronic Health Needs
- Anaphylaxis/Severe Allergies Packet
- Asthma Packet
- Diabetes Packet
- Seizure Disorder Packet
- Provider Order for Procedure
If your child has a medical condition not listed above, please contact the district nurse or the health aide at your child’s school. We want to work with you, the parent/guardian, and your student’s healthcare provider to provide the best care possible while your student is in school or at a school sponsored event. Thank you.