Faculty & Staff Pledge
We encourage our parents and family members to get to know us. If you should have a question or suggestion for your child’s teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the teacher as soon as possible. Teachers will return calls and emails at their soonest opportunity.
As Teachers, We Pledge:
BUSD is currently rededicating itself to transformational school improvement. In so doing, all stakeholders pledge to devote their efforts to ensure we provide a positive academic impact on every child’s life, everyday. Please read the initiatives that all staff will support and uphold.
Culture and Climate
- Acknowledge that we are a team that believes all children can learn.
- Acknowledge that we must support each other in this inspirational and hard work, and that we all work collaboratively for one purpose—our students.
Instructional Delivery
- We acknowledge and will set high expectations for all students and ourselves to achieve at our above grade level.
- We acknowledge and will work as teams to assess and analyze student data to inform best practices so students do not fall through the cracks.
Discipline and School Safety
- We acknowledge and will ensure the safety of all of our students by being consistent, fair, and caring.
Family and Community Engagement
- We acknowledge that our families are our first priority in student engagement. Therefore, we will consistently and effectively communicate with out families.
- We acknowledge school and district functions and will attend as many as we can to show support of our students and families.
I rededicate myself to Baboquivari Unified School District for the purpose of creating a positive academic impact on every child’s life everyday, and I will ensure that I live these actions everyday and remind my colleagues to do the same.